Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Are those new or old waves?
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Would you risk all your money in just one security?
So, why is it important to diversify? First if one of you product fails, you have a chance with the other; then you develop expertise in more than one technology.
Given this, a management of this is strategically needed. That is especially true in what concerns innovation. It's also known that a very small amount of innovation experiences becomes a successful product/service. The questions here are "when shall you get out of some innovation", "what partnerships shall you take part in", "how many new projects shall you support"? These are questions without a straightforward answer, but looking to some successful companies, many practices show us that companies follow more than one standard (e.g. Orange provides OMA IMPS messaging service alongside with Microsoft Messenger in their handsets), some companies create partnerships which will drop latter (e.g., Motorola founded Symbian and is no longer one of the shareholders), and others promote creativity (HP gave one day time to employees for their own projects).
Even if we look the way R&D is done today, you'll see that companies no longer sit their researchers alone in a lab - they create several webs where clients and providers give inputs on their requirements so that research is also a collaborative work. This is good, because sometimes researchers like to work too long and own their innovations, leading sometimes to overlook and spend too much time to unsuccessful projects.
These paradigms need to be understood for R&D and innovation to be handled in a modern and efficient way. As someone one day told "marketing is too important to be in the hands of marketeers", maybe we can say "innovation is too important to be in the hands of innovators".
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Sexy telecoms
As the mobile value chain is very fragmented, the industry founded some years ago OMA (Open Mobile Alliance) with the intent of creating interoperable applications. The number of applications standardized by this organization body is huge and it involves the latest advanced technologies. However, it seems adoption of these technologies is slow and revenues mobile operators get from them accounts for a very small part of the pie.
So what's the main "problem" with that? Are these applications expensive to develop or are network operators charging too much for the services they provide? Maybe the answer is both! Some researchers point that mobile phone industry is becoming very similar to the PC industry. As we know, (and as in PC), companies are evolving from vertically integrated to integrators of parts (which are made from other more efficient companies). This is true in most technologies when interfaces between parts of a system become standardized and a single company is able to take advantage of economies of scale and expertise by doing just one part of the system. These kinds of companies are already part of the mobile value chain and some of them perform very well. Regarding the rates applied by MNOs, these new services are not deployed at a low cost, as companies cannot jeopardize themselves. However, it's becoming clear that network operators own an infrastructure that can carry all these applications' bytes. Some experiences are being held - for example, this month in Frankfurt you could subscribe a T-Mobile service that enables sending an MMS to e-mail addresses by a flat rate of €10. Thus, new price structures and utilization patterns will drive the adoption of mobile services.
However, what are the main forces that make people choose their mobile phone? In the developed countries, where purchasing power is higher, people tend to buy handsets for what they look like and not for the features or "complicated" applications they run. The top example is the Motorola RAZR which is a slim phone with an emphasis on design. Another example of this is the partnership between some mobile manufacturers and style brands - for example Motorola teamed with Dolce & Gabbana, and Vodafone with Ferrari. Another example could be Vertu (manufacturer of luxury handsets fully owned by Nokia) that are hand-crafted and where design and luxury are the differentiation factors.
So, maybe there is not a perfect approach but several approaches and the winner, as ever, is the one which delivers what the customer wants, because that... is sexy!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Network neutrality
After making huge investments on building FTTx new networks across the US, companies such as AT&T and Verizon point their fingers to big internet companies by saying they are using their networks for free without any return for those carriers:
On this discussion there are different positions to be taken - some argue networks shall be neutral and others don't. Arguments on the net neutrality side are accusing AT&T and Verizon for blocking innovation for start-ups and small companies.
Some opponents to net neutrality, put the question on a different angle; Odlyzko, University of Minnesota: “What makes them think that they are going to charge Google, as opposed to Google charging them?”
However, this discussion might not be new, fast broadband connections already cost more than slower, both for consumers and business. Given that carriers had put big money on new fast networks, on thing is for sure, or telecoms charge subscribers more or they pursue new business models where big internet companies and content providers pay part of the bill.
Sunday, April 1, 2007
The Telecoms
This work analyses the current situation of the telecom industry along all its value chain as the sector contribution for the European economy.
Based on surveys made next to this industry’s key players, the main medium and long term driving forces that impact the industry are identified.
These main forces are:
- Changing end-user expectations, behaviours and usage patterns,
- Technology forces (telecoms, media and other tech fields),
- Globalization transitions,
- Regulation and public policy.
Given this environmental analysis, and based on the trends of the above mentioned forces, three possible scenarios for the 2015 European Telecom scene were built. As depicted in the figure below, telecoms can go as a trap (Telecopalypse), intermediate (Convergence Compromise) or favourable (Evernet). Each of this is characterized as follows:
Telecopalypse – For this scenario, there is a stagnation of the sector. It presents a situation were carriers might delay or cancel new network investments in face of policy regulations that favor network neutrality in opposition of application-based competition. The broadband availability is seen as modestly improved with low fiber and HDxPA deployed mainly in urban areas. The result is the telecoms transformed in a utility-like industry given the contracting industry-wide revenues.
Convergence Compromise - In this scenario high-speed fiber and mobile broadband is fuelled by infrastructure competition in dense urban areas in opposition to DSL coverage in less populated areas. Diffuse strategic choices are followed by operators, some focusing on Pan-European consolidation and fixed-mobile integration and others targeting the dedicated infrastructure provision. In this context, regulation is focused in ensuring retail-based competition through unbundling, facilities-based competition in dense urban areas, traffic prioritization and commercial freedom for converged services.
Evernet – The Evernet scenario introduces new services in the business-to-business and public administration domains (e-gov, e-health, machine-to-machine) generating cross sector productivity gains for the Euro economy. Broadband becomes a very important component for Europe, thanks to strong infrastructure competition resulting in the proliferation of multiple fiber and high broadband wireless access networks. Given this, the sector creates ample growth opportunities for both infrastructure and application providers. This scenario is possible in a context where a European public policy encourages cross-industry collaboration and a regulatory framework which stimulates fixed and mobile broadband facilities-based competition.
This report is issued in a time where the European telecom sector faces many challenges, such as market saturation (and maturation), deflation, regulation and competitive risk. It does not point any special direction and is not biased on a specific scenario. Although many of the variables studied can change in pace and direction, it gives a good outlook on the sector and important trends to look at.
The report can be downloaded here.